Nos confrères de The FADER parlent de lui comme du futur du rap. Originaire de la ville de Mobile, en Alabama, OMB Peezy a choisi de s’installer à Sacramento, boosté par le légendaire E-40. Il est désormais signé sur le label  indépendant 300 Entertainment aux côtés de Famous Dex, Anna of the North, Hopsin, Fetty Wap, Quality Control (Migos), Kirko Bangz, Rejjie Snow, Shy Glizzy, Young Thug ou encore Tee Grizzley.


Our colleagues from The FADER describe him as « The Future of Rap ». Born in Mobile, Alabama, OMB Peezy moved to Sacramento with the support of legendary E-40. He’s now part of the independent 300 Entertainment label, alongside Famous Dex, Anna of the North, Hopsin, Fetty Wap, Quality Control (Migos), Kirko Bangz, Rejjie Snow, Shy Glizzy, Young Thug and Tee Grizzley among others.